1 hop vertex cover
1 hop vertex cover

1 hop vertex cover

A key feature of our work is that some transformation rules can increase the size of the input. These data reduction rules ensure that given an optimum solution on the new (smaller) input, one can quickly construct an optimum solution on the original input.We introduce new generalized data reduction and transformation rules for the problem. In this paradigm, data reduction rules are applied to decrease the problem size. The branch-and-reduce paradigm is the de facto standard approach to solve the problem to optimality in practice. Given a vertex-weighted graph, the maximum weight independent set problem asks for a pair-wise nonadjacent set of vertices such that the sum of their weights is maximum. INDEX TERMS Internet of things, wireless sensor networks, link monitoring, vertex cover, metaheuristic algorithm. We implement our algorithm with its counterparts and reveal that the algorithm is favorable in terms of solution quality and resource consumption. To evaluate the efficiencies of greedy heuristics, we adopt three different heuristics for WCVC problem.

1 hop vertex cover

Our proposed algorithm integrates a genetic search with a greedy heuristic to improve WCVC solution quality and decrease the search time. We propose a novel metaheuristic WCVC algorithm for link monitoring and backbone formation in WSNs modeled as undirected graphs. When weights of nodes are assigned as reciprocal of their energies, an energy-efficient virtual backbone can be formed. In weighted connected VC (WCVC) structure, subgraph induced by monitor nodes are connected where monitors are chosen according to their weights. Since sensor nodes are generally battery-powered and have limited transmission range, energy-efficient multi-hop communication to the sink node is of utmost importance. VC is a significant structure for WSNs where it perfectly fits for link monitoring when nodes in VC are set as secure points (monitors). Finding minimum Vertex Cover (VC) is an important NP-Hard graph theoretic problem in which the minimum set of nodes (vertices) is aimed to select in such a way that each link should be incident to at least one node from this set. Graph theory plays a critical role to solve various problems in WSNs. A countermeasure of this issue is link monitoring by deploying secure points that can physically capture and inspect radio packets. Wireless transmission is prone to various attacks such as data manipulation since data communication is achieved through transfer of radio packets. WSNs include hundreds of small sized sensor nodes that have the abilities of wireless transmission and environmental sensing. Industry 4.0 utilizes the Internet of Things (IoT) to rise the efficiency in manufacturing and automation where wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are crucial technologies for communication layer of IoT.

1 hop vertex cover